Donald Trump Can’t Handle the Truth : Political Humour by Frank Giorno

A message to Boss Trump from Jack Nicholson – You Can’t Handle The Truth!

Trump you, and your bone spurred heels, just  Can’t Handle the Truth!

Can't handle the truth

Donald “Big Boss Man” Trump Can’t Handle the Truth…so he lies and lies and lies…so much so that he has set many of his pants on fire. Photo courtesy of Pinterest.

So you lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie. You lie so much you are starting to resemble a rug! Bad-a -boom.

You are such a liar that you have set numerous of your pants on fire! Badda bing!

You have had to order a supply of fresh, fire proof, Trump pants from Trump clothing manufacturers in Bangla Desh and China. Yep! Trump is lying when he tells you he will force American companies to manufacture in the US and create jobs.

Maybe for others, but not for Boss Trump. Gee Willy, just do as Boss Trump says and don’t worry about the the lying he does. OK? Don’t worry be happy!

Trump wild-eyed, crazy

Trump! Drain thyself.

Hey Big Boss Trump! Liar Liar your nose is longer than a telephone wire. Ba ba ba boom!

Let’s hear the truth about Big Bad, Mad Dog, Donald “The Lying Twit” Trump. Here is a classic by the Castaways that sums it up nicely.

And while Big Boss Trump is being such a wooly bully, attacking war hero John McCain, nice guy President Barack Obama,  and straight talking Florida Congresswoman, Frederica Wilson ; weasely Republican senate majority leader Mitch McConnell; befuddled Attorney General Jeff Sessions; cool as a cumber Republican Senator Bob Corker and many, many, many more. A virtual cast of thousands bullied by President Wooly Bully Boss Trump.

Please add the names of others bullied, by the Wooly-Bully-in-Chief , Trump the Grump right here.

In fact, Big Boss Trump is such a bully, that being his best friend won’t prevent him from bullying you or even firing you, right Mooch? Right Dr. Evil Steve Bannon? Right Paul Manafort, Mr. Russia! Right, Roger Stone-face, international man of mischief! Right Corey Lewandowski! Right, Sean Spicer! Right, right, right, right,

Might as well get the scoop about bullying from….are you kidding me? First Lady Melania Trump is making anti-bullying her life’s calling. Poor gal obviously has gotten first hand, eh? But, give me a friggin break here.

Forget Melania, let’s go with the classic bully song from Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs — Wooly Bully!

Uno, dos, tres, quatro! Holy Shit! Mexicans and Muslim extremists all rolled into one, Mr. Trump, oh no!