Trump Presidential Candidacy Really A Promo for Next Dumb and Dumber Movie

And from Hollywood.

The producers of the latest sequel in the Dumb and Dumber franchise has announced it will release its next installment — Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest.

Rumours are spreading around Tinseltown that none other than Donald Trump will be starring in the role of “Dumbest”.

Dumbest will be the new character that the producers hope will put a spark in the moribund movie franchise.

One studio insider speaking on the assurances his identity would not be revealed said”

” Yeah we really wanted to make sure we got the best lead-in publicity to the release of Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest -so we suggested to Trump’s people that Trump do something really dumb like run for president.”

“At first we really weren’t sure if Trump would do it, I mean he is sort of a somewhat successful business man and we didn’t thing he would make an absolute fool of himself promoting the “Dumbest” character in our new film, but….”

“He went for it for the last 18 months has really embraced the “Dumbest” character whole hog…all I can say is this is the best promo for any movie ever!”

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest featuring Jim Carey, Jeff Daniels and Donald Trump will open Wednesday November 8, the day after Trump is expected to lose the election.

Again, the studio insider: “Of course what should happen if our promo joke backfires and he gets elected president?

“Well, we have an agreement that Donald has to do the craziest , goofiest things that will make absolute certain that the American public won’t elect him president…I’m mean the American people are smart right?”

“Obviously, the American public didn’t know Trump’s candidacy was merely a publicity stunt for our Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest movie.”

Somewhat regretfully, this Hollywood insider close to the the production of Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest now feels a certain degree of remorse.

“But we had no idea some people in America actually would consider voting for the Dumbest character in the Dumb and Dumber series for President of the United States of America.”

Oh well, should Trump, who will play the character “Dumbest” in the next sequel of Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest become the next President of the United States it will guarantee that America will have the longest running stand up comedy stint — 4 years at the white house.

And the movie Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest will easily become the greatest movie sequel ever made in the history of film and Presidential politics….move over Citizen Kane…here comes Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest!