Trump What Is He Good For – Absolutely Nothing!

In this time of COVID-19 Virus, I am reminded how useless America’s Greatest Con Man ever (and that includes Bernie Madoff) is as President of the United Sad States of America. Yesterday, he berated a respected reporter from NBC, Peter Alexander, for asking a very legitimate question. Trump literally struck out in answering such a benign question.


Moments later, Vice President Pence answered eloquently, The question was “What would you tell American’s who are frightened during this COVID-19 emergency. The famous ignoramus, con artist Trump replied with something like: You are a terrible reporter, to fan fear like that. You are a terrible reporter. A few second later, Pence Responds “I would ask Americans to work together to solve this crisis, follow the instructions of your federal and state official etc.”

Peter Alexander tossed Trump a softball question, one that Trump if he had a mind should have blasted it out of the park but instead Trump strikes out swinging.

The ever ever paranoid, fool (Think King Lear) reacted in perhaps the greatest non-sequitur in US history…with anger, hostility, arrogance and truth be told bewilderment.


Raising the Question “Trump What is He Good For – Answer: (All together now) Absolutely Nothing!

This song that I improvised at Jake’s Bar and Grill karaoke on the night of October 7th, 2017  in South Porcupine, Ontario is a homage to that Great American singer- Edwin Starr.

Homage to the Great Singer – Edwin Starr

Starr wrote one of the classic anti-war songs “War” during the height of the Vietnam War. It is that energy, sincerity and truth in Edwin Starr’s Classic “War” that I love and feel most profoundly proud of that makes it a natural when protesting the latest American Presidential Fiasco…can you say LBJ, Bill Clinton, George W.Bush and now Donald J. Trump, Con Man Supreme…A Con Supreme…. A Con Supreme… If you enjoyed my parody of War, please purchase the original “War” by Edwin Starr.



Bring on the Corona Virus I will eat it raw!

Speech is never free. It comes with a cost by Frank Giorno

Let’s get one fact straight about “Free Speech” – speech, like action is never absolutely free.

Every utterance; every action comes with consequences.

That’s why it is best to think before you speak. Think before you act. Your words can hurt others, and so can your action. It is like throwing a pebble into a lake or pond. Words and actions cause ripples.

The noble eight fold path, developed 500 years before Christ, enshrined the concept of responsible thought, speech and action. Thought gives rise to speech. Speech gives rise to action. They in turn produce consequences, or in the words of the Buddha – karma.

Right thought, speech and action  may generate good and positive results for the individual, his or her  community, his or her neighbours.

Bad or wrong thought, speech and action brings dire consequences for the individual who influenced by faulty thought impulses, speaks recklessly, and harmfully caused or inspired violence, hatred of others. It could lead to condemnation, arrest and incarceration , a life time of ridicule.

For hate- filled proponents of Free Speech in the U.S., Canada, Europe and else where , who go around chanting anti-black and anti Semitic provocation they must accept the cost of their irresponsible thought, speech and actions.


In Charlotesville, Virginia the cost of hateful free speech was the murder of a young woman of outstanding character and understanding, Heather Heyer, who worked to improve lives in America.

She was murdered by a troubled young man who made a very bad choice — he chose hate over love and compassion.

There is no such thing as Free Speech…it comes with a cost.


Heather Heyer was murdered by an American neo-Nazi terrorist who slammed his car into her body killing her and injuring 18 people who were speaking out against neo-Nazis , white supremacists and the KKK. But as Heather’s mother said at Heather’s funeral eulogy, “they didn’t silence her, they magnified her” and her values of love and decency.




American free speech has been paid with the blood of its citizens, soldiers, who died fighting to defeat Nazism a philosophy that silenced tens of millions of people.17_0820_USfightingNazis_WW2_A

To see American, neo-Nazis demanding free speech  and exercising “free speech” in order to organization, and build up their power to oppress decent Americans is totally unsupportable. American neo-Nazis demand to express their speech to gain power to silence people they do not like.

People like Donald Trump, he is no president and I will not call him such — aid and abet white supremacists and neo-Nazis. His own personal history shows he has been an out right racist as in the 1970s, when he was prosecuted for discriminating against blacks in his apartments buildings.

Trump, the man who murdered truth, and decency ignited his hate-filled drive to become the accidental president, by perpetrating one of the greatest hoaxes in US political history.

He fanned the flames of bigotry by insisting Barack Obama was not a legitimate president, because he falsely claimed Obama was born in Kenya.

Even after Obama showed his Hawaiian birth certificate racist Trump continued to spread false news right up to the month before the November 2016 election about Obama.

The audacity of Trump to cry that the media is trying to de-legitimize his accidental victory over Clinton — the bastard made his career attempting to de-legitimize Obama.

Talk  about karma, eh? Trump, what goes round comes round.

While Trump fans the growth of American neo-Nazis and white supremacists he is taking a giant stand against American history.  America is passionately anti-Nazi. America has fought against white supremacy in the civil war, in the civil rights movement. America took a strong stand against Nazism by fighting to defeat it in WW2.

Trump embraces neo-Nazis (despite his insincere condemnation of them on Monday only to go back and defend them at the disgraceful news conference on Tuesday.)

Neo-Nazi’s are in fact traitors to the US, and all the gallant, Americans, British, Canadians, Australian, Russian, French; and all the French, Jewish, Polish, Italian resistance who fought  — Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and other Nazis and fascist.

Nazism and fascism oppressed speech that did not conform to its hateful philosophy and policies.

Nazism and white supremacists are anti-Americans, the are an enemy to mankind.

Every hate-filled thought, speech and action by American neo-Nazis’ and White Supremacists’desecrates the graves of all Americans who died fighting Nazism; the graves of Union soldiers who defeated the Confederacy and brought an end to slavery in the U.S.

The deaths of US soldiers fighting against Nazism and fascism and slavery is proof that speech is never free.


Nazi officers surrender to American Troops. Why should Americans follow neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer, when US soldiers spent four years fighting Nazis?

The United States lost 415,000 troops during world war 2. Britain lost another 370,000 lives combating Hitler and Mussolini.

The United States fought Nazis in WW2.

During the civil war 620,000 lives were lost on both the Union and the Confederate sides. The pro-slavery south lost the civil war and surrendered in April 1865 at Appomattox, Virginia.  Slavery was ended. But that was not the end of the fight for civil rights as white supremacists, KKK’ers, and others enacted Jim Crow laws, instituted racism and discrimination as part of their government. Lynchings and other terrorist tactics were unleashed to spread fear among the black American. In some parts of the United States, the north as well as the south it was as if the Civil war never happened.


Robert E. Lee signs surrender marking the end of the Confederacy and slavery.

Civil rights leaders and activists like Martin Luther King, James Meredith murdered by racist terrorists. Innocent children, college students who supported the fight for equality were blown up by terrorist white supremacist bombs.

Speech must be responsible and it must lead to the greater good of our neighbourhood, community, cities and towns. Our country.

Let’s look at the sister right of freedom association. You can choose to associate with others, but that right is not absolute either. You cannot associate with others for example to conspire to commit crimes.

Similarly, the United States, Canada, Britain, France and especially Germany have enacted laws to prevent hate crimes ,

Thinking hate, speaking hate, acting out hate is the lifestyle of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and KKK activists and their supporters.

Their values harm social harmony and the public peace.

Free speech comes with a high cost.

Therefore it is right and just to counter these latter day Nazi traitors at every turn until they see the folly of their ways.

But make no mistake about it — people like Richard Spencer and David Duke are using poor, unhappy, alienated white children and teens to propagate their vile plans for an all white state.

They are using free speech to recruit and organize. Armed “militias” with great firepower are preparing for a new American civil war.

It’s up to all of us to work together and reach out to these alienated youth, who feel marginalzed and show them the right path, the right way to succeed in life.

It starts with teaching out through schools, social agencies, sports organizations, popular culture and showing their is hope in America.

Government policy can help by providing free college and university education, financial support to impoverished families of all races who need a hand up.

It is not enough to merely oppose neo-Nazis, it is important to deal with the root causes of lower class, poor whites. Well educated neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer and KKK’ers like David Duke are using these children and teens, poisoning their minds for their own purposes.

As with extremism of all kinds including ISIS it is poverty and ignorance that provides the fertile soil to grow generations of hate.

Let’s think right, speak right and act right by extending a hand to all the poor people of the world and unite them with hope.

Above consider which side are you on?

As this song by Pete Seeger asks. Which Side are You On.

I know which side I am on. Equality for all. Love trumps Hate.


“Great Thoughts by a Not So Great Man”:Every Day Trump Defies the Will of the Majority

Donald 1

Donald being Donald tells the world where it can go: “People try to put me down, but I just tell them all to kiss my billions.

Everyday, when Donald Trump sits down to enact his political agenda he is defying the will of the majority of US voters…Every one of his tainted actions is for the privilege of a minority of US citizens… The vote will always read 53 million against Trump vs. 50 Million for Trump.

But isn’t democracy government by the people, for the people?
In the case of Trump what you have is government for a minority against the will of the people.
Therefore in plain English, Trump is a dictator, dictating unpopular laws, and executive orders against the will of the people.
People of America, wake up. You, the majority voted against Trump. His actions defy
the will of the majority.
Therefore, as Michael Moore so correctly says, it is up to the majority of US citizens to reclaim their right to be governed according to their wishes. Their wishes run counter to what Trump is ordering the country to do. q=michael%20moore%20resistance%20calendar


Michael Moore is right. Resistance to Trump is an American Duty, because everyday Trump is defying the will of the majority of Americans who voted against him.

All government officials, in all three branches of government. All the majority of Americans have a duty to obstruct, defy and resist Donald Trump unless and until he implements the will of the people.
That means he has to stop implementing his minority policies immediately, including his Muslim ban and his Mexican Wall and his Anti-Free Trade tirades.
Or resign.
That would be the remedy in a British Parliamentary democracy. When the leader loses the support of the will of the majority of the people..he resigns.


Donald Trump, admires Adolf Hitler. Notice the Hitlerian influence on Trump. Here is Trump’s open mouth yelling of his hateful messages..Just like Adolph Hitler’s open mouth yelling.