Trump What Is He Good For – Absolutely Nothing!

In this time of COVID-19 Virus, I am reminded how useless America’s Greatest Con Man ever (and that includes Bernie Madoff) is as President of the United Sad States of America. Yesterday, he berated a respected reporter from NBC, Peter Alexander, for asking a very legitimate question. Trump literally struck out in answering such a benign question.


Moments later, Vice President Pence answered eloquently, The question was “What would you tell American’s who are frightened during this COVID-19 emergency. The famous ignoramus, con artist Trump replied with something like: You are a terrible reporter, to fan fear like that. You are a terrible reporter. A few second later, Pence Responds “I would ask Americans to work together to solve this crisis, follow the instructions of your federal and state official etc.”

Peter Alexander tossed Trump a softball question, one that Trump if he had a mind should have blasted it out of the park but instead Trump strikes out swinging.

The ever ever paranoid, fool (Think King Lear) reacted in perhaps the greatest non-sequitur in US history…with anger, hostility, arrogance and truth be told bewilderment.


Raising the Question “Trump What is He Good For – Answer: (All together now) Absolutely Nothing!

This song that I improvised at Jake’s Bar and Grill karaoke on the night of October 7th, 2017  in South Porcupine, Ontario is a homage to that Great American singer- Edwin Starr.

Homage to the Great Singer – Edwin Starr

Starr wrote one of the classic anti-war songs “War” during the height of the Vietnam War. It is that energy, sincerity and truth in Edwin Starr’s Classic “War” that I love and feel most profoundly proud of that makes it a natural when protesting the latest American Presidential Fiasco…can you say LBJ, Bill Clinton, George W.Bush and now Donald J. Trump, Con Man Supreme…A Con Supreme…. A Con Supreme… If you enjoyed my parody of War, please purchase the original “War” by Edwin Starr.



Bring on the Corona Virus I will eat it raw!