Trump What Is He Good For – Absolutely Nothing!

In this time of COVID-19 Virus, I am reminded how useless America’s Greatest Con Man ever (and that includes Bernie Madoff) is as President of the United Sad States of America. Yesterday, he berated a respected reporter from NBC, Peter Alexander, for asking a very legitimate question. Trump literally struck out in answering such a benign question.


Moments later, Vice President Pence answered eloquently, The question was “What would you tell American’s who are frightened during this COVID-19 emergency. The famous ignoramus, con artist Trump replied with something like: You are a terrible reporter, to fan fear like that. You are a terrible reporter. A few second later, Pence Responds “I would ask Americans to work together to solve this crisis, follow the instructions of your federal and state official etc.”

Peter Alexander tossed Trump a softball question, one that Trump if he had a mind should have blasted it out of the park but instead Trump strikes out swinging.

The ever ever paranoid, fool (Think King Lear) reacted in perhaps the greatest non-sequitur in US history…with anger, hostility, arrogance and truth be told bewilderment.


Raising the Question “Trump What is He Good For – Answer: (All together now) Absolutely Nothing!

This song that I improvised at Jake’s Bar and Grill karaoke on the night of October 7th, 2017  in South Porcupine, Ontario is a homage to that Great American singer- Edwin Starr.

Homage to the Great Singer – Edwin Starr

Starr wrote one of the classic anti-war songs “War” during the height of the Vietnam War. It is that energy, sincerity and truth in Edwin Starr’s Classic “War” that I love and feel most profoundly proud of that makes it a natural when protesting the latest American Presidential Fiasco…can you say LBJ, Bill Clinton, George W.Bush and now Donald J. Trump, Con Man Supreme…A Con Supreme…. A Con Supreme… If you enjoyed my parody of War, please purchase the original “War” by Edwin Starr.



Bring on the Corona Virus I will eat it raw!

Trump is the Aging Rock Star President from Wild in the Streets

These next 10 years will be the last whiff of that population bulge historians call the Baby Boom Generation…an entity that started off with piles of idealism. Some achieved; Some clawed back with age hello civil rights and women’s right.

These old, grumpy boomers are hanging on today with unrivaled privilege…now this may be a generalization…but you have a bunch of old white guys, especially in the USA, and old white gals too embittered about what has transpired in their fantasy lives, and in the US many aging boomers voted for a guy who had no experience at all but was famous on TV — Shit4Brains Trump.

Trump at a rally in 2016 US Presidential Debate. Courtesy of Politifact

Which brings me to the a little known movie in the late 1960s called Wild in The Streets — the height of hippiedom for the Boomers.

Rotten Tomatoes describes Wild in the Streets as a:

A campy satire about a rock star/drug dealer who is elected president once the voting age has been lowered to fourteen. The title song was a big hit in the 60’s and the film itself was well-liked by many critics.

Max Frost (Christopher Jones), presidential candidate, in Wild in the Streets acknowledges, the crowd’s adoration. Courtesy American International.

IMDB describes Wild in the Streets as follows:

“A young man gains significant political influence as the leader of a counterculture rock band with his rallying cry of voting rights for teenagers.”

The connection to real life today is this: Like Max Frost the Rock Star/drug dealer in the quirky movie Wild in The Streets, Americans (albeit with less popular votes than Hillary) elected an aging boomer, Trump. with a fractured mind and morality whose only claim to fame was a failure as a businessman, but a genius on pretend TV which was ironically labelled reality TV.

Trump’s strategy like the political strategy of Wild in the Streets is to collect a band of disgruntled, angry members of society who feel the have been left out. Call this populism if you will or call it appeal to the mob.

Donald Trump, a boomer is the aging Max Frost…the KKK and Neo Nazis are Trumps troopers.

Trump may not have sold drugs…but the list of his criminality is long Trump U, violation of Fair Housing Laws, money laundering (this will come out soon), sexual assault.

Like Trump, Max Frost, in Wild in the Street was a criminal, a drug dealer. Trump is the first criminal ever elected to the US Presidency. Among his crimes was the fraud of Trump U. In New York State you have to be accredited to call yourself a University. And of course the tens of thousands of dollars he stole from those who ponied up the $35,000 enrollment fee. Oddly this criminal was never charged by law enforcement. He did settle a civil suit out of court. Courtesy of Mother Jones

Trump University “Stars” Turn Out To Be Just More of Donald Trump’s Marks

Begone boomers and let younger people take over..No one over 60 should be president of the USA ever.

For the boomer generation Trump is one last kick at fantasy land.

Let it be quick and let more savvy youth take the reins. They are skilled at detecting twitter bullshit like boomers are not.

Until then Trumper’s troopers and angry old white guys will be a force. These are the last embers of baby boomerism. They are angry kids from Wild in the Streets.

Murder by 2nd Amendment: America’s largest mass murders made possible by NRA by Frank Giorno

Such great sorrow in America…deepest sympathy to all those who died and their families in this unbearably senseless and preventable tragedy.

This photo from Rolling Stone Magazine’s coverage of the Las Vegas second amendment murders depicts the terror concert goers experienced during the largest massacre of Americans by a mass murderer. Photo courtesy of Rolling Stone Magazine

These 58 deaths in Las Vegas should be known as murder by 2nd amendment. For it was the shooters 2nd amendment rights that permitted the right to purchase an arsenal of weapons to slay 58 Americans. Imagine of those 58 deaths occurred at the US embassy over sees, what the reaction would be?

Think about the majority Republican Congress and the strident comments they would be making about stopping terrorism, restricting immigration, building a way, curtailing people’s civil liberties by torturing those responsible and tapping phones and spying on social media.

Sadly, the cowards in the Republican party will act sad and decry the crime, but the will stand by the National Rifle Associations distorted and incorrect view of what the second amendment says about who may own guns.

The 58 murders in Las Vegas and the shootings every where in the United States really are brought to you by the NRA and their 40 year record of helping people like Steve Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, obtain an arsenal of deadly weapons by fraudulently asserting everyone’s right to guns of all sorts including rapid fire machine guns and military assault rifles.

Thanks to the NRA instead of a well regulated system of gun purchases, you have total gun anarchy.

And this is despite recent polling showing that Americans overwhelmingly want some form of control on guns to end gun anarchy that NRA has promoted and bullied lawmakers into achieving.

Majority of Americans Support Gun Control: Time Magazine

Donald Trump supports NRA absolute right to guns. It is no coincidence that since this  deadly and divisive President assumed centre stage there have been at least four or more deadly shootings since June 2016.

In fact, since Trump took over the presidency in January, 2017 there have been 273 mass shootings already in 275 days according to the Gun Violence Archives.

Gun Violence Archives Mass Shootings in America

The NRA and its executive leadership should be viewed as accessories to mass murder, by literally handing those guns to murderers like Paddock who bought his weapons legally.

The NRA has since the mid-1970s been forcing US lawmakers, through what amounts to bribery, in the form as major cash donations to candidates running for office to support their extremist view of the 2nd amendment.

This is democracy? The majority want gun control, but money bribes by the NRA bullies politicians into denying the majority what they want — gun control, not gun anarchy!

Las Vegas native and late night host Jimmy Kimmel put it this way:   Since the 58 dead and 500 wounded were murdered by a rich American gun owner as opposed to a non-American,  Trump, McConnell and Paul Ryan – the Republican party, will do nothing “because The NRA has a money belt clipped around their balls.”

Remember 2nd Amendment says “…for the purposes of a well regulated militia the rights to bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Second Amendment to the US Constitution

I guess current American conservative gun advocates do not speak English very well, because their interpretation of the 2nd amend is predicated on the erroneous view, that the first clause in the amendment is irrelevant, and has no bearing on the second clause — “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Conservative legal scholars have argued that the for purposes of maintaining a well regulated militia was a meaningless and hollow preamble, and should be disregarded.

Now an example of a preamble that does not relate to the second part of the 2nd amendment would be something like ” Wasn’t that a great ball game last night,  the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.”

In my understanding of the English language there is much weight and relevancy to the fact that the founding fathers wanted a well regulated militia, and for that purpose, for the purpose of a well-regulated militia, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

Why? Because the USA of 1784 did not have the military might of Britain, France, Spain, Germany and it necessarily depended on well armed citizens to come to the aid of their country if invaded.

The founding fathers certainly did not want guns to go into the wrong hands, that is why it was a well-regulated militia.

Not complicated at all, if you understand the English language.

In other words you can buy arms to participate in a well regulated militia. And you can screen those who purchase arms for purpose other than maintaining a well regulated militia.

After all, there were many people in the newly founded USA of 1784 that the founding fathers did not want to own guns like British spies, possibly slaves who wanted to rebel, Native Americans who wanted their lands back, and others who posed a serious risk to the foundation of  the young US.

I doubt Steve Paddock bought  the arsenal of weapons , without background check, without restriction, so he could serve in a well regulated militia.

Police in Las Vegas said, Steve Paddock, the shooter who mowed down 58 innocent Americans, lawfully purchased a varied of weapons at gun stores. Thank you NRA for making this mass shooting possible. Photo Courtesy of

Yet even the Supreme Court of the United States have become so politicized over the 2nd Amendment that conservative judges voted to refuse to hear gun control challenges after the Sandy Hook mass murder of school children and teachers by a mental disturbed young man who loved to go shooting at a gun club.

Nice guys, eh? 26 people killed at Sandy Hook, many young children and SCOTUS doesn’t give a whistle about their lives snuffed out as such a young age.

Suffer the little children, SCOTUS would rather you die to protect the NRA myth of absolute gun rights for all. Gun Anarchy! Or Gun Control.

Please send an email, a letter – Hell if you are close enough tie a note to a rock and throw it through the NRA’s window, and tell them how you feel about The NRA allowing gun anarchy in the USA.

58 dead in Las Vegas; 49 dead in the Orlando night club shooting;26 Dead in Sandy Hook; 9 dead in a church in South Carolina;  20 Dead in Aurora movie theatre shooting etc etc etc.

Last year was the 50th anniversary of the 18 people killed by Charles Whitman at University of Texas from a clock tower in 1966. Since then 1,000 people or more are killed by guns each year in the US.

Since 1966, approximately 50,000 Americans, and that is a conservative number it’s probably way higher.

50th anniversary of first modern mass murder by gun in August, 1966

Thanks to the NRA, once an organization of hunters and responsible gun owners up to the mid-197os, when it was hijacked by extremists, the Americans have suffered unbearable sorrow at the hands of legally sanctioned gun anarchy.

NRA, this mass murder in Vegas is for you, for all you do to guarantee, people like Steve Paddock, can buy the most vicious weapons unchecked. Way to go guys! Thanks to the NRA gun anarchy reins supreme.

Mass murder thanks to the NRA, and its ass kissing conservative lawmakers have made mass killings, and indeed all gun murders an American Ritual….where everybody loves to Shoot Shoot.

And Trump wants to ban Muslims? And Trump wants to build a wall against Mexicans.


Walt Kelly’s perceptive comment voiced in the Pogo cartoon strip. Courtesy of Pinterest

In the words of Pogo the cartoon character “I have seen the enemy and the enemy is us.”

Well not “us” but the NRA and Donald Trump and that ilk of fear mongering bigots and distorters of the intent of the 2nd Amendment.

Sometimes I wonder, if some Americans actually speak the English language…but that is another story for another blog.

The ridiculousness of the SCOTUS  leaving out the first clause of the 2nd amendment calling for a well regulated militia, is not only poor English but it is maniacally insane and poor legal interpretation.

End Gun Anarchy with thoughtful and necessary Gun Control.

Simple as that.

Speech is never free. It comes with a cost by Frank Giorno

Let’s get one fact straight about “Free Speech” – speech, like action is never absolutely free.

Every utterance; every action comes with consequences.

That’s why it is best to think before you speak. Think before you act. Your words can hurt others, and so can your action. It is like throwing a pebble into a lake or pond. Words and actions cause ripples.

The noble eight fold path, developed 500 years before Christ, enshrined the concept of responsible thought, speech and action. Thought gives rise to speech. Speech gives rise to action. They in turn produce consequences, or in the words of the Buddha – karma.

Right thought, speech and action  may generate good and positive results for the individual, his or her  community, his or her neighbours.

Bad or wrong thought, speech and action brings dire consequences for the individual who influenced by faulty thought impulses, speaks recklessly, and harmfully caused or inspired violence, hatred of others. It could lead to condemnation, arrest and incarceration , a life time of ridicule.

For hate- filled proponents of Free Speech in the U.S., Canada, Europe and else where , who go around chanting anti-black and anti Semitic provocation they must accept the cost of their irresponsible thought, speech and actions.


In Charlotesville, Virginia the cost of hateful free speech was the murder of a young woman of outstanding character and understanding, Heather Heyer, who worked to improve lives in America.

She was murdered by a troubled young man who made a very bad choice — he chose hate over love and compassion.

There is no such thing as Free Speech…it comes with a cost.


Heather Heyer was murdered by an American neo-Nazi terrorist who slammed his car into her body killing her and injuring 18 people who were speaking out against neo-Nazis , white supremacists and the KKK. But as Heather’s mother said at Heather’s funeral eulogy, “they didn’t silence her, they magnified her” and her values of love and decency.




American free speech has been paid with the blood of its citizens, soldiers, who died fighting to defeat Nazism a philosophy that silenced tens of millions of people.17_0820_USfightingNazis_WW2_A

To see American, neo-Nazis demanding free speech  and exercising “free speech” in order to organization, and build up their power to oppress decent Americans is totally unsupportable. American neo-Nazis demand to express their speech to gain power to silence people they do not like.

People like Donald Trump, he is no president and I will not call him such — aid and abet white supremacists and neo-Nazis. His own personal history shows he has been an out right racist as in the 1970s, when he was prosecuted for discriminating against blacks in his apartments buildings.

Trump, the man who murdered truth, and decency ignited his hate-filled drive to become the accidental president, by perpetrating one of the greatest hoaxes in US political history.

He fanned the flames of bigotry by insisting Barack Obama was not a legitimate president, because he falsely claimed Obama was born in Kenya.

Even after Obama showed his Hawaiian birth certificate racist Trump continued to spread false news right up to the month before the November 2016 election about Obama.

The audacity of Trump to cry that the media is trying to de-legitimize his accidental victory over Clinton — the bastard made his career attempting to de-legitimize Obama.

Talk  about karma, eh? Trump, what goes round comes round.

While Trump fans the growth of American neo-Nazis and white supremacists he is taking a giant stand against American history.  America is passionately anti-Nazi. America has fought against white supremacy in the civil war, in the civil rights movement. America took a strong stand against Nazism by fighting to defeat it in WW2.

Trump embraces neo-Nazis (despite his insincere condemnation of them on Monday only to go back and defend them at the disgraceful news conference on Tuesday.)

Neo-Nazi’s are in fact traitors to the US, and all the gallant, Americans, British, Canadians, Australian, Russian, French; and all the French, Jewish, Polish, Italian resistance who fought  — Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and other Nazis and fascist.

Nazism and fascism oppressed speech that did not conform to its hateful philosophy and policies.

Nazism and white supremacists are anti-Americans, the are an enemy to mankind.

Every hate-filled thought, speech and action by American neo-Nazis’ and White Supremacists’desecrates the graves of all Americans who died fighting Nazism; the graves of Union soldiers who defeated the Confederacy and brought an end to slavery in the U.S.

The deaths of US soldiers fighting against Nazism and fascism and slavery is proof that speech is never free.


Nazi officers surrender to American Troops. Why should Americans follow neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer, when US soldiers spent four years fighting Nazis?

The United States lost 415,000 troops during world war 2. Britain lost another 370,000 lives combating Hitler and Mussolini.

The United States fought Nazis in WW2.

During the civil war 620,000 lives were lost on both the Union and the Confederate sides. The pro-slavery south lost the civil war and surrendered in April 1865 at Appomattox, Virginia.  Slavery was ended. But that was not the end of the fight for civil rights as white supremacists, KKK’ers, and others enacted Jim Crow laws, instituted racism and discrimination as part of their government. Lynchings and other terrorist tactics were unleashed to spread fear among the black American. In some parts of the United States, the north as well as the south it was as if the Civil war never happened.


Robert E. Lee signs surrender marking the end of the Confederacy and slavery.

Civil rights leaders and activists like Martin Luther King, James Meredith murdered by racist terrorists. Innocent children, college students who supported the fight for equality were blown up by terrorist white supremacist bombs.

Speech must be responsible and it must lead to the greater good of our neighbourhood, community, cities and towns. Our country.

Let’s look at the sister right of freedom association. You can choose to associate with others, but that right is not absolute either. You cannot associate with others for example to conspire to commit crimes.

Similarly, the United States, Canada, Britain, France and especially Germany have enacted laws to prevent hate crimes ,

Thinking hate, speaking hate, acting out hate is the lifestyle of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and KKK activists and their supporters.

Their values harm social harmony and the public peace.

Free speech comes with a high cost.

Therefore it is right and just to counter these latter day Nazi traitors at every turn until they see the folly of their ways.

But make no mistake about it — people like Richard Spencer and David Duke are using poor, unhappy, alienated white children and teens to propagate their vile plans for an all white state.

They are using free speech to recruit and organize. Armed “militias” with great firepower are preparing for a new American civil war.

It’s up to all of us to work together and reach out to these alienated youth, who feel marginalzed and show them the right path, the right way to succeed in life.

It starts with teaching out through schools, social agencies, sports organizations, popular culture and showing their is hope in America.

Government policy can help by providing free college and university education, financial support to impoverished families of all races who need a hand up.

It is not enough to merely oppose neo-Nazis, it is important to deal with the root causes of lower class, poor whites. Well educated neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer and KKK’ers like David Duke are using these children and teens, poisoning their minds for their own purposes.

As with extremism of all kinds including ISIS it is poverty and ignorance that provides the fertile soil to grow generations of hate.

Let’s think right, speak right and act right by extending a hand to all the poor people of the world and unite them with hope.

Above consider which side are you on?

As this song by Pete Seeger asks. Which Side are You On.

I know which side I am on. Equality for all. Love trumps Hate.


Great U.S. Presidents: Franklin Roosevelt was a Great U.S. President – He Knew How To Run A Country


FDR showed that great personal sacrifice and unselfishness are important characteristics of that a president of the United States must have to lead the nation.

During this time of great tumult, hatred and division, let’s cheer a truly great American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

During the 1930’s,  when the United States faced its great struggle with the Depression, it was blessed with a great President -Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Roosevelt  was a very wealthy man, But his far-reaching, generous policy and concern for the well being of America’s middle and working class led to the creation of some of the greatest public works projects ever undertaking to create jobs –  e.g. The Tennessee Valley Authority, a hydro-electric project that created jobs and also extended electrification to remote parts of the US.

FDR had great advisers and he listened to them. He sacrificed the narrow interests of the plutocracy of which the Roosevelt family stood. Theodore Roosevelt, a president in the early years of the 20th century was a cousin, to really benefit and improve the lives of the less financially well off.

For a history of he Roosevelt family please click here

FDR was the first president to use the First 100 days as a measure for how well he was helping the Nation. And he did plenty. His policies to help Americans cope with the Great Depression is known as The New Deal

FDR’s   National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), Works Public Administration (WPA) and National Relief Administration (NRA), the National Labour Relations Board (NLRB), the Social Security Act,  and a number of other progressive measures  helped millions and millions of Americans survive the Great Depression.

For a history of FDR’s New Deal click here:

FDR embodied the spirit of sacrifice and unity. For those who planned to profit from the people’s misery, FDR had this to say:

“The forces of ‘organized money’ are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.”

He went on: “I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match, [and] I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces have met their master.”

In his second term a much more aggressive fight against the people who were profiting from the Depression-era troubles of ordinary.

FDR at the mikes

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a great leader, a great US president who despite personal suffering helped improve the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans

It is not hard to see why FDR won an unprecedented 4 terms as US president. A feat that will never again be accomplished because of term limits imposed by Congress after FDR’s death. Presidents may now only serve 2 terms.

His measures have been attacked by the neanderthal Conservative Democrats and Republicans have been railing against for over 80 years.

You see, to be a great President or champion of the working class you don’t have to be from the working class.

You just have to stand by your personal principles of unselfish caring for your neighbours and taking measures to help them, instead of fooling them to vote for you and then abandoning them only to enrich your own pockets.

In fact some of the greatest enemies of the working class and middle class have themselves come out of the middle and working class..e.g. Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini to name two.

Hitler was a loser who failed at everything he tried.

Mussolini was a bombastic idiot, who instead of following policies steeped in reality to help the Italian nation, he was obsessed with childhood fantasies of rebuilding the Roman Empire.

Let’s Cheer the Great Franklin Roosevelt ! And remember a truly great American President.

A man who showed that disabilities, he was wheel chair bound due to polio, need not be a hindrance to being great.

Also lets recognize that it was under FDR, the first seedlings of the civil rights movement were planted with such historical events as Marion Anderson’s Lincoln Memorial Concert, the first time a black performer sang on the Washington Mall.

That generation produced some great music. Here is Woody Guthrie’s This Land Is Your Land sung by Peter Seeger and Bruce Springsteen in 2010.

Perhaps current political leaders should listen to the hopes and dreams of this inclusively themed song, instead of spewing hatred, bigotry and division.

“Great Thoughts by a Not So Great Man”:Every Day Trump Defies the Will of the Majority

Donald 1

Donald being Donald tells the world where it can go: “People try to put me down, but I just tell them all to kiss my billions.

Everyday, when Donald Trump sits down to enact his political agenda he is defying the will of the majority of US voters…Every one of his tainted actions is for the privilege of a minority of US citizens… The vote will always read 53 million against Trump vs. 50 Million for Trump.

But isn’t democracy government by the people, for the people?
In the case of Trump what you have is government for a minority against the will of the people.
Therefore in plain English, Trump is a dictator, dictating unpopular laws, and executive orders against the will of the people.
People of America, wake up. You, the majority voted against Trump. His actions defy
the will of the majority.
Therefore, as Michael Moore so correctly says, it is up to the majority of US citizens to reclaim their right to be governed according to their wishes. Their wishes run counter to what Trump is ordering the country to do. q=michael%20moore%20resistance%20calendar


Michael Moore is right. Resistance to Trump is an American Duty, because everyday Trump is defying the will of the majority of Americans who voted against him.

All government officials, in all three branches of government. All the majority of Americans have a duty to obstruct, defy and resist Donald Trump unless and until he implements the will of the people.
That means he has to stop implementing his minority policies immediately, including his Muslim ban and his Mexican Wall and his Anti-Free Trade tirades.
Or resign.
That would be the remedy in a British Parliamentary democracy. When the leader loses the support of the will of the majority of the people..he resigns.


Donald Trump, admires Adolf Hitler. Notice the Hitlerian influence on Trump. Here is Trump’s open mouth yelling of his hateful messages..Just like Adolph Hitler’s open mouth yelling.

Political Humour: “The Lost Wager ” by Frank Giorno : A Northern Blog – The world seen through northern eyes

Recently I asked my Facebook friends to provide me advice on how I should handle a request for a replacement cheque of $100  that I provided a right wing friend of mine when Donald Trump was declared president-elect of the United States.

Thank you for all your advice on how to respond for the request  for me to replace the $100 cheque.


Donald Trump, admires Adolf Hitler. Notice the Hitlerian influence on Trump. Here is Trump’s open mouth yelling of his hateful messages..Just like Adolph Hitler’s open mouth yelling.

After I sent the $100 cheque to my hyper conservative friend, he failed to deposit it and left it in his shirt pocket which his wife put in the washing machine and dryer thus destroying it.

I dismissed outright the suggestion from another elderly conservative, Trump-loving friend (well more elderly than me LOL), who wanted me to immediately re-write the cheque and send it to the unfortunate fellow whose wife laundered the cheque in the wash.

To all my middle of the road and lefty friends who said I paid my debt and it is his problem that the cheque was destroyed in the wash ha ha ha ha ha…the symbolism is drenched in comedy. LOL.

As an admirer of Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon McKenzie King who on the issue of a Canadian wartime conscription during World War 2 utter these very funny words: (part of the evolution of the Canadian comedy tradition, I guess) — my approach will be be pragmatic and flexible.

“Conscription but not necessarily conscription,”said PM King.


Wartime Canadian PM, William Lyon Mackenzie King.

So in paraphrasing King, I say unto the the winner of the wager: “Re-issuing the cheque, but not necessarily re-issuing the cheque”

Here is my email to his wife with my proposed solution.

“Haha ha a ha ha ha ha ha LOL.

This must be God’s displeasure at the incomprehensible results of the US election leading to the so-called victory of the satanic Mr. Trump.

How else can one explain the comedy over the destruction of the cheque that was my payment in full for the $100 wager I lost to your husband.

And the irony that the cheque was destroyed while his shirt was being washed and laundered clean.

As if God was saying “wash away the filth that is Donald Trump.”

Trump is a loser, whom 65 million Americans rejected, but despite only gaining 63 million votes – two million less than Hillary Clinton, the undemocratic US ‘Lector College declared Trump, President.

(The ‘Lector College kills democracy as surely as Hannibal Lecter killed people in Silence of the Lambs).

Doesn’t the Book of Revelation say something about the end of times being near when the insane rule over the good, sane people of the earth? LOL!

Donald Trump is the first, openly insane presidential candidate to win the Presidency.

Some of us remember the insane candidacy of Lyndon Larouche. Mr. Larouche who espoused much of the same philosophy as the Trumpster never won in the 1980s and 1990s.

I must also note, that the 2016 Election was also tainted by the massive and unprecedented incursion of the FBI into the election on Trump’s behalf a week prior to voting – falsely claiming Clinton was embroiled in Anthony Weiner’s emails. And then saying oops…we were wrong – she wasn’t.

Let me think about whether I should replace the cheque.

Certainly if I do re-issue it, it will be after the recount in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, that will be triggered by allegations of cyber hacking of the computer based voting systems in those states.

Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate, has already filed for a recount in Michigan on Friday. She now has the funds to officially demand a recount in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Also, I will require your husband to sign an agreement/acknowledgement and mail it to me before I possibly send him the replacement cheque.

That is of course unless the recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania reverse the totals thus giving those states’ electoral college votes to Hillary Clinton, who in those circumstances will be declared President elect.

In that case of course your husband will send me the cheque.

In the attachment I have included several sections from Harry Hurt III’s 1993 book on Trump and Ivana titled “Lost Tycoon”. The sections describe Donald Trump’s brutal sexual assault and rape of his wife at the time– Ivana Trump.

You can not say this book is some false news that was cooked up to defeat Trump in this election, like the James Comey false allegations and all the Ezra Levant and Breitbart bullshit your husband wants me to read in his support of Trump.

These facts in Harry Hurt’s book have stood the test of time and are true. Trump has had 23 years to sue the writer for libel, but he didn’t because the truth will trump Trump and his denials that he raped Ivana.

Ivana filed a deposition in court in 1992 saying she was raped by Donald Trump in 1989. She also told author Harry Hurt III the same information in the interviews, Hurt conducted with Ivana. Hurt also interviewed Trump himself, Trump’s dad Fred and others in researching the book.

Afterwards, Trump got a restraining order on Ivana because their pre-nuptial agreement said she could not disclose the details of Trump’s business and personal life.

Fearing that the courts would take everything away from her, as Donald wanted as a relief from the breach of the pre-nup, Ivana watered down her allegations, but in no way recanted or denied them.

As the Lost Tycoon was going to be released to bookstores, Donald Trump sent a notice to the publisher and demanded that the insert which is included below, be attached to the book.

The notice reworded Ivana’s claim of rape and used more weasely words to describe what still amounted to spousal rape.

I will ask your husband to sign an acknowledgement of all of Donald Trump’s business failures, misogyny, racism and sexual assaults on women beginning with his rape of Ivana.

I also want your husband to acknowledge that Trump was a major business loser,  having gone bankrupt six times and someone who played fast and loose with other people’s money to the point where the US banking industry considered him to be financial poison.

That is why Trump had to go to billionaires like Vladimir Putin, and others in Kazakhstan, China and India for loans. And now they own him.

Harry Hurt provides a 1993 snap shot of so-called billionaire Trumps’ financial troubles.

Hurt said Trump’s value in 1993 was approximately, – $350 million; that is negative $350 million, if he was forced to liquidate all his highly leveraged properties to repay his loans, bonds and debentures.

I will ask your husband to acknowledge that Trump is a racist who coddles the KKK (will we soon see an invitational only cross burning at the Trump White House Lawn — Whites Only????)

If your husband signs, seals and delivers the agreement/acknowledgement I will gladly re-write the laundered cheque.

However, if he refuses to sign the acknowledgement, then I will refuse to re-write the cheque, which God destroyed as a sign of displeasure at the election of that cretin Trump.

You should not feel bad for unwittingly destroying the $100 cheque in the wash, as you were only working on God’s behalf — deus ex machina – the hand of God.

Ha ha ha ha… wow…best $100 wager I ever made…It will provide me a lifetime of hilarity.

Did I say hilarity? I meant to say “Hillary-ity”.


In friendship…Frank

Dear readers here is Stevie Wonder’s Signed, Sealed, Delivered



Humour: Contribute to Amnesty International so they can keep a watch on Donald Trump – America’s Hitler by Frank Giorno : A Northern Blog – “The world seen through northern eyes”

Warning: The following has humour and truth that might offend people who support Donald Trump. Read at your own risk.

Donald 1

Donald being Donald tells the world where it can go: “People try to put me down, but I just tell them all to kiss my billions.

In 1932, Many people in Germany laughed when their very own Charlie Chaplin-ed mustachioed clown Adolf Hitler won the Chancellorship of Germany by the tiniest of minorities. After all this was the clownish buffoon who in 1924 thought he would start a fascist revolution by overthrowing a Munich beer hall.
Difference is that in a four horse field, Donald Trump actually lost the election by two million votes, yet because of the ‘Lecter College and the killing of democracy, the cretin Trump becomes the illegitimate president of the most heavily armed nation on the planet and perhaps the entire Solar System.
And I know my dear right wing friends will respond in anger or write some smart aleck response to my post. But we can’t hide facts about Donald Trumpler any longer.


Donald Trump, admires Adolf Hitler. Notice the Hitlerian influence on Trump. Here is Trump’s open mouth yelling of his hateful to the open mouth yell of Adolph Hitler

Trump is an admirer of Adolf Hitler as this passage from Harry Hurt III the author of Lost Tycoon Trump’s (p.341) unauthorized biography clearly indicates. Trump is not academically inclined, this was a how to book, folks…How to bamboozle big crowds.

What we can do is help human rights organizations like Amnesty International keep on eye on Herr Trumpler and intervene when called on. Call Amnesty International and donate now with a statement indicating you are concerned about Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton.
Click here to contribute to Amnesty International:
You supporters of Donald Trump who still are basically good people although thoroughly bamboozled by his lies can also contribute to Amnesty International too.
Your contributions will help Amnesty keep an eye On American’s new Third Reich.
Yes, that’s right folks lets not mince meat here any longer.
In 1990, according to author Harry Hurt III, the Donald was given or purchased the entire set of Hitler’s Speeches.collected in an edition titled “The New Order”..and I don’t think Herr Trump only had a passing academic interest. This collection of Hitler speeches was a how to book, folks…How to bamboozle big crowds. Notice as in Hitler’s Triumph of the Will, it was all about large crowds, theatrics, blusters and big lies.


Compare Hitler’s open mouth yelling to Trump’s yelling in the previous photo. The admiration is obvious. Also notice Hitler’s odd hand gestures, something he shares with Trump’s odd hand movements. Although it looks like Hitler’s hands are huge compared to Trump’s tiny hands.

What we can do is help human rights organizations like Amnesty International keep on eye on Herr Trumpler and intervene when called on.

Call Amnesty International and donate now with a statement indicating you are concerned about Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton.



Donald Trump boned up on Hitler’s speeches as early as 1990 notes author Harry Hurt III Lost Tycoon, 1993 (p.341)

Author Hurt notes more than a passing similarity between Adolfo’s big lies and Donaldo’s big lies. Donald’ big lies were the hall mark of his career in the New York City and Global development industry; and more recently with his entry into politics with his discredited birth movement..

Hitler and Trump they both lied and the poor sad sack uneducated marks, suckers who voted for both Hitler and Trump (obviously some highly educated volk too) had to live with tragic consequences.)

They also threatened to arrest political opponents. Hitler did, Trumpler so far has only threatened to do so.

Soon Amnesty International may have to campaign to free from prison Hillary Clinton , the numerous women who accused Donald Trump of sexual assaults, and the Trump admirers who were foolish enough to enroll as students in the scam Trump University. They now are suing their former guru for fraud.

Trump who has a penchant for revenge against his perceived enemies may also try arrest journalists, financiers, fellow billionaires who mocked him and anyone who makes fun of his small hands in relations to the size of his organ-i-zation…yeah that’s it the size of his tiny electoral organ-i-zation. LOL

Here is ACDC with Big Balls


Trump’s loss-victory is a pyrrhic victory by Frank Giorno: A Northern Blog – The world seen through northern eyes


Donald Trump, America’s political cannibal will have plenty of sharpened knives coming after him over the next four years. His loss-victory is a pyrrhic victory. It comes with too great a cost for Trump. He has angered and enraged too making Americans. His four years will be a constant series of scandals and defeats.

Donald Trump has won a pyrrhic victory.

So he won the presidency of the United States.

Big deal…he actually lost.

A pyrrhic is a victory or goal achieved at too great a cost. Remember this term when thinking about Donald Trump’s so called victory.

In another country, but the undemocratic United States, Donald Trump would have lost hands down.

So Trump’s loss-victory has come at too great a cost for him. His lack of release of information on his income tax returns will haunt him. Don’t think for a minute the media will let up on this.

What dirty secret is Trump hiding? Why won’t he just release his tax info if he has nothing to hide?

And though Wikileaker Julian Assange, with two outstanding sexual assault charges against him, has cozied up to Trump, while holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London; that is not to say other cyber leakers won’t gladly hack away until they release the juiciest tidbit secret info out there for hackers to chomp on.

Trumps unusually close relationship with Russian Billionaire Dictator Vladimir “No Disputin'” Putin will hound him and come back to bite Trump in the ass.

Already Republican Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina is calling for a senate investigation into the meddling of Russia in the US election.

Graham-080106-18270- 0035

Senior Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has called for a Senate investigation into Russia’s incursion into the recent American election. Official Senate Photo

Trump’s lies to the American working class will strangle him…he promised extremely rich people at a recent dinner at Club 21 in New York they will get major tax cuts.

Folks you cannot give your pals in the Establishment on Wall Street and still implement a $1 Trillion infrastructure program promised by Trump without bankrupting the US….come to think of it…Trump will do very well bankrupting the US treasury, he has had six already…what is a seventh, eh.

Trump already starts out in a hole. He has has 2 million less supporters the winner-loser Hillary Clinton. That is like starting in a trench to begin his administration. He is going to have to work like the dickens just to get to ground level with Americans.

Also Trump has hitched his horse to the worst aspects of American society elements that have been thoroughly trounced and rejected in the US since at least the Mid-1950s…I am talking about racists in the KKK, his chief advisor Steven Bannon the guru of the alt.right conspiracy; anti-semitic rants at home though conflictingly pro-Israel won’t fool the US Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

His anti-women stance astonishingly garnered him the support of 53 percent of fearful white women. He actually did better with women than straight-laced Mits Romney.

But when things settle down and all the hate talk dissipates some of these white women will recall his grab them by the pussy remark wonder why they voted for that pig.


Trump’s admiration for Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke won’t win him many converts to make up for the 2 million vote deficit he will be starting with on the dawn of his presidency.

His anti-immigration, anti- Mexican, anti- Muslim stance cost him votes in this election and will lose him more in the future.

Now that Trump is the president he will become the focus of major leaks about his taxes, his lawsuits, his conflict of interests, the depth of his own personal foreign indebtedness.

The first major challenge for Trump will be the fraud lawsuits pertaining to Trump University later this month.

With so many problems in his personal finances why would this megalomaniac Trump want to be president.

The knives are already poised to rip Trump apart and the pyrrhic victory is all he can claim.

He has antagonized too many people including senior Republican Party Officials who will not bow down to this cretin despite his loss-victory in the election.

Many of his challengers that he so brutally eviscerated during the Republican Primaries will be among the first to take the first stabs at Donald.

… except for Senator Ted Cruz, whose sucking up to Trump after Trump thoroughly humiliated him, his wife and his family is a classic case of political masochism.

President Trump is ripe for the picking.

As the Rolling Stones sang Let it Bleed.

Joke: Why do the Americans call it the Lecter College? by Frank Giorno : A Northern Blog – the world seen through northern eyes


Ok here is a joke.

We all need a good laugh.

Shortly after the 2016 US presidential election a young girl asked her parents a question.


Why do they call it the Lecter College? Because the Electoral Collage kills democracy in America, the way Hannibal Lecter killed people.

“Dad? Mom? Why in the U.S. presidential elections do they call it the Lecter College?”

“Well that’s easy dear,” the parents replied.

“It’s called the Lecter College because the Electoral College kills democracy in America, the way Hannibal Lecter, the serial killing cannibal killed people.


Donald Trump, American’s serial, political cannibal, shows the mouth and jaws he used to devour his opponents.