Trump is the Aging Rock Star President from Wild in the Streets

These next 10 years will be the last whiff of that population bulge historians call the Baby Boom Generation…an entity that started off with piles of idealism. Some achieved; Some clawed back with age hello civil rights and women’s right.

These old, grumpy boomers are hanging on today with unrivaled privilege…now this may be a generalization…but you have a bunch of old white guys, especially in the USA, and old white gals too embittered about what has transpired in their fantasy lives, and in the US many aging boomers voted for a guy who had no experience at all but was famous on TV — Shit4Brains Trump.

Trump at a rally in 2016 US Presidential Debate. Courtesy of Politifact

Which brings me to the a little known movie in the late 1960s called Wild in The Streets — the height of hippiedom for the Boomers.

Rotten Tomatoes describes Wild in the Streets as a:

A campy satire about a rock star/drug dealer who is elected president once the voting age has been lowered to fourteen. The title song was a big hit in the 60’s and the film itself was well-liked by many critics.

Max Frost (Christopher Jones), presidential candidate, in Wild in the Streets acknowledges, the crowd’s adoration. Courtesy American International.

IMDB describes Wild in the Streets as follows:

“A young man gains significant political influence as the leader of a counterculture rock band with his rallying cry of voting rights for teenagers.”

The connection to real life today is this: Like Max Frost the Rock Star/drug dealer in the quirky movie Wild in The Streets, Americans (albeit with less popular votes than Hillary) elected an aging boomer, Trump. with a fractured mind and morality whose only claim to fame was a failure as a businessman, but a genius on pretend TV which was ironically labelled reality TV.

Trump’s strategy like the political strategy of Wild in the Streets is to collect a band of disgruntled, angry members of society who feel the have been left out. Call this populism if you will or call it appeal to the mob.

Donald Trump, a boomer is the aging Max Frost…the KKK and Neo Nazis are Trumps troopers.

Trump may not have sold drugs…but the list of his criminality is long Trump U, violation of Fair Housing Laws, money laundering (this will come out soon), sexual assault.

Like Trump, Max Frost, in Wild in the Street was a criminal, a drug dealer. Trump is the first criminal ever elected to the US Presidency. Among his crimes was the fraud of Trump U. In New York State you have to be accredited to call yourself a University. And of course the tens of thousands of dollars he stole from those who ponied up the $35,000 enrollment fee. Oddly this criminal was never charged by law enforcement. He did settle a civil suit out of court. Courtesy of Mother Jones

Trump University “Stars” Turn Out To Be Just More of Donald Trump’s Marks

Begone boomers and let younger people take over..No one over 60 should be president of the USA ever.

For the boomer generation Trump is one last kick at fantasy land.

Let it be quick and let more savvy youth take the reins. They are skilled at detecting twitter bullshit like boomers are not.

Until then Trumper’s troopers and angry old white guys will be a force. These are the last embers of baby boomerism. They are angry kids from Wild in the Streets.